Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflections on Session 3 - 3/12

  • Key terms associated with learning Environment.

- Student needs

- Perceptions of environment

- School Culture

- Human Behaviour

- School Environment

- Classroom Environment

- Psychosocial

- Gender differences

- Assessment

- Attitude

- Cognitive Development

- Community

  • What and how to assess?
  • Visited to do research in groups about the 'giants' who contributed to LE - Murray ( needs press mode), Lewin,Leary,Walberg, Moos, Fraser and Fisher
  • The different instruments to measure LE - MCI,SLEI, E- learning,
  • WIHIC,QTI being the most efective ones - incorporates Moo's schema -
  • Moo's Schema - 3 dimensions:
  • 1. relationship, 2. Personal development 3. System Maintenance and Change
  • Viewed videos on the different learning styles -tr - centered, student - centered , use of roleplay, casestudy and tr as facilitator, tr led discussions and socratic questioning
  • Online survey of student and teacher - Actual vs preferred forms

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