Saturday, December 1, 2007

New Learning Environments: The case of problem based learning

6 fundamental characteristics have been identified in the case of problem - based learning. Learning 1. perceived as student centered 2. is in small student groups 3. is under the guidance of a tutor 4. is taking place with the tutor as a facilitator or guide 5. is encountered with real-life problems and challenges 5. acts as a tool to acquire problem - solving skills to solve problems 6. transforms into self-directed learning to access new information.
The learning environment is constantly reshaping its landscape. The above is particularly relevant to a new learning environment that is taking its form in a new initiative which my school has undertaken for this year.
A group of 23 Sec 3 students have embarked on a new project, Regional CIP to Chiangmai in Thailand. The learning experience in a new environment has not only shaped their personalities with the qualities of resilience and persistence but also contributed significantly to social and emotional learning.
The students have to stay in a village near a hill top to experience this new learning environment. While at their stay there, they were involved in mural paintings and in planning and teaching their lessons to some children. Furthermore, the students were taken care by some native folks for their homestay. In the homestay, the students were to fend for themselves in terms of cooking their own meals, and handwashing one's own clothes. On top of that, they helped the villagers to clean the corns as well.
Next year, a different group of students(as mentioned by the teacher in charge) will embark with the task of building a small water tank.
The feedback gathered from the students has been very promising and encouraging as students have not only learnt to respond positively to authentic real- life challenges but also learnt to equip themselves with the necessary skills, knowledge, attitudes and values which are pertinent to life skills.

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